Asset Protection
The current litigation explosion has created tremendous interest in asset protection. Not only does this area have financial and estate aspects but it directly impacts tax planning. This Asset Protection CPE course is designed to survey opportunities for for protecting assets that can arise during tax planning and to determine how to properly report such transactions.
Course Information
Course No. M080
Format: Online pdf (60 pages). Printed book available.
Instructional Delivery Method: QAS Self-Study
Prerequisites: None
Advance Preparation:None
Level: Overview
CPE Credit: 2 Hrs.
Field of Study: Taxes: Technical
Course expiration: You have one year from date of purchase to complete the course.
Course Revision Date: January 2024
Study Topics:
* Basic protection concepts & fraudulent transfers
* Insurance
* Individual titles and sole proprietorship
* Corporations
* Trusts
* Co-tenancies
* Partnerships
* Limited liability companies
* Marital property & separate property
* Premarital & post-nuptial agreements
Upon completion of this Asset Protection CPE course you should:
2. Identify how the various types of entities relate to protection of assets and how the various types of joint ownership of property and various trusts directly impact protection of assets and tax liability.
3. Determine the concepts of common law property, community property, and equitable ownership specifying which states base distribution laws on those concepts, specify asset division principles, and recognize premarital and post-nuptial agreements and how they can be used to advise clients in individual protection of assets.
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