State CPE Acceptance


Nationwide Accounting CPE acceptance

JN Productions has developed all of our CPE courses using national and state guidelines so that the material will have nationwide CPE state acceptance for CPE credit. All of our courses are developed in accordance with the “Statement on Standards for Formal Self Study Programs” (including calculation of CPE credit hours) as published by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and as such, satisfy the CPE requirements for AICPA membership. All state boards reserve the right to determine whether or not a provider and its courses meet their standards. Please contact your State Board of Accountancy if you have any questions regarding your state’s specific requirements.

NASBA QAS provider

JN Productions is a NASBA Registry QAS provider and our courses are accepted by State Boards of Accountancy nationwide. Our NASBA/QAS Self-Study Sponsor Number is 104274. More about NASBA CPE Courses

State Boards of Accountancy Sponsor Agreements

Not all states assign sponsor numbers to CPE providers. JN Productions has entered into formal sponsor agreements with the following state boards of accountancy that do assign numbers:

New Jersey State Board of Accountancy License No. 20CE00209300

New York State Board for Public Accountancy License No. 002284

Ohio Accountancy Board Sponsor number CPE.355. (Approved for 3-hr Professional Standards & Responsibilities course).

Texas CPE Acceptance: We have entered into an agreement with the Texas State Board of Public Accountancy to meet the requirements of all continuing education rules governing formal self-study programs. This agreement does not constitute an endorsement by the Board as to the quality of our programs or their contribution to the professional competence of the licensee. Sponsor ID No. 6590

Continuing Education for  CMAs

Our courses meet the CPE credit standards of the Institute for Management Accountants CMA designation. CMAs should choose courses from acceptable subject areas, as outlined in the IMA’s Continuing Education Requirements and Rules.

CPE for Certified Public Bookkeepers

CPB licensees are required to complete 24 hours of approved CPE each year. The National Association of Certified Public Bookkeepers (NACPB) accepts CPE courses from NASBA Sponsors. JNCPE Courses is a NASBA Registry QAS provider and our courses are accepted by NACPB. We recommend consulting the NACPB website for specific course category requirements, such as accounting, auditing, taxation, etc.

Approved IRS CE Provider

IRS CE Provider
IRS: IRS Approved Continuing Education Provider Number: UTU4M