AI Essentials for CPAS
This course provides an overview of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in accounting with a focus on its significance and evolution. This course includes a detailed discussion of key AI concepts as well as ethical considerations, regulatory frameworks, and its use in data analysis and reporting. This course also provides examples of how AI can be used in both audit and tax practices and provides strategies that can be used to implement its use most effectively in organizations. This course concludes with a discussion of future trends in AI.
Course Information
Course No. CAM002
Format: Online pdf (140 pages). Printed book available.
Instructional Delivery Method: QAS Self-Study
Prerequisites: None
Advance Preparation: None
Level: Overview
CPE Credit: 8 hrs.
Field of Study: Information Technology
Course Author: Kelen F. Camehl, CPA, MBA
Course expiration: You have one year from date of purchase to complete the course.
Course Revision Date: April 2024
Course Topics:
* Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (AI)
* AI Technologies in Accounting Software
* AI Ethics and Regulations
* Leveraging AI for Data Analysis and Reporting
* AI in Audit and Compliance
* Considerations for Organizations When Adopting AI
* AI Considerations in Tax Preparation and Research
* Future Trends in AI and Software for CPAs
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, you will be able to:
- Identify key concepts related to AI
- Recognize subsets of machine learning
- Identify key characteristics of deep learning
- Recognize how AIcan be used in the accounting profession
A very good overview of "AI" for accounting professionals including real world examples.