Entrepreneurial Finance: Small Business Financial Management Basics
This VIDEO COURSE comes from recordings of an Entrepreneurial Finance class the author teaches to MBA students at a university. The class provides a financial overview of the entrepreneurial journey from startup to operational decisions to exit planning. You’ll hear from a business banker guest speaker who explains what lenders look at when deciding whether to make a loan to a small business.
You’ll learn:
- Why and how entrepreneurs start companies.
- Business structure selection
- Sources of cash
- Financial struggles of small businesses
- Small business cash flow management
- The financial components of a business plan
- Strategic planning
- Key small business financial metrics
- Pricing and profitability analysis
- Risk management
- Exit planning
The author, Rob Stephens, has been the CFO, SVP of Finance, or Director of Operations at multiple small and medium-sized companies.
Course information
Course No. S004
Format: Online video with final exam
Instructional Delivery Method: QAS Self-Study
Prerequisites: None
Advance Preparation:None
Level: Overview
CPE Credit: 6 Hrs.
Field of Study: Finance: Technical
Course expiration: You have one year from date of purchase to complete the course.
Course Revision Date: September 2023
Entrepreneurial Finance Course Objectives
After completing this course, participants should be able to:
- Recognize the definitions of marginal costs and marginal profitability
- Identify how to use a cost-volume-profit analysis and breakeven analysis
- Identify the pros and cons of using marginal profitability analysis, activity-based costing, and traditional full absorption costing.
- Identify the following key factors to profitability: cannibalization, excess capacity, and step-fixed costs
- Recognize the best uses for marginal profitability analysis