AI Series: Introduction to Artificial Intellegence
This course provides an overview of the basics of AI, including the key concepts related to AI such as machine learning, deep learning, and Natural Language Processing. This course provides a discussion of how AI has evolved from its early beginnings. This course also provides a discussion of how AI and automation can be used in the accounting profession.
Course Information
Course No. CAM005
Format: Online pdf (22 pages). Printed book available.
Instructional Delivery Method: QAS Self-Study
Prerequisites: None
Advance Preparation: None
Level: Overview
CPE Credit: 1 hr.
Field of Study: Information Technology
Course Author: Kelen F. Camehl, CPA, MBA
Course expiration: You have one year from date of purchase to complete the course.
Course Revision Date: June 2024
Course Topics:
* AI Key Concepts
* Machine Learning
* Deep Learning
* Natural Language Processing
* Algorithms
* History and Evolution of AI
* Significance of AI in the Accounting Profession
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of this course, you will be able to:
- Identify key concepts related to AI
- Recognize subsets of machine learning
- Identify key characteristics of deep learning
- Recognize how AIcan be used in the accounting profession
Good Intro to AI Terminology and Categories. I liked the examples provided for each category as it made conceptual ideas easier to understand.