Social Media Marketing (5.5 hrs)

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Social Media Marketing – 5.5 hrs. CPE

In technical terms, social media refers to a variety of Web-based applications (such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, et al) that facilitate (1) communication and collaboration among users of the Internet and (2) the creation of “user-generated content” in the form of words, pictures, audios and videos. However social media represents much more than this simple definition; social media signifies nothing less than a revolution in the ways that people communicate, consume media and conduct business. Many businesses are rethinking entire marketing strategies in order to focus on this new world known as “Web 2.0”. Social media tools such as social networks, blogs and podcasts are now commonly used to market products and services to consumers.

This course provides an overview of social media and its impact on the marketing process. This overview includes descriptions of the various forms of social media and profiles of the most popular social media websites. This course also introduces the concept of social media marketing and discusses how you can use social media to market your business, promote your brand and influence your potential customers. Finally, this course provides a step-by-step guide for CPA’s and other professionals to utilize when launching a social marketing campaign.

Course information

Price: $75

Course No. W003
Format: Online pdf (117 pages).
Prerequisites: None
Advance Preparation:None
Level: Overview
CPE Credit: 5.5 Hrs.
Field of Study: Communications & Marketing: Non-Technical
Course expiration:  You have one year from date of purchase to complete the course.
Course Revision Date: July 2022


After completing this course, participants should be able to:

  • Identify the unique characteristics of ‘social media’ websites.
  • Recognize the most popular social media tools (including Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, Wikipedia, etc.) and des
  • Recognize the primary functions and characteristics of each tool.
  • Identify ‘social media marketing’ techniques and the role that social influence plays in the marketing process.
  • Recognize best practices for launching a social media marketing

Course Contents

Chapter 1 – Introduction to Social Media

1.1   Social Media and Web 2.0
1.1.1   Society and the media
1.1.2   Social media defined
1.1.3   Web 2.0 applications
1.2   The Social Media Framework
1.2.2   Collaboration
1.2.3   Community
1.2.4   Collective intelligence
1.3   Categories of Social Media
1.3.1   Social networking
1.3.2   Blogging and microblogging
1.3.3   Podcasting and livecasting
1.3.4   Photo & video sharing
1.3.5   RSS
1.3.6   Wikis
1.3.7   Social bookmarking
1.3.8   Virtual worlds

Chapter 2 – Social Media Tools

2.1   Popular Social Media Websites
2.1.1   Blogger®
2.1.2   Facebook®
2.1.3   Flickr®
2.1.4   Instagram®
2.1.5   Apple Podcasts®
2.1.6   LinkedIn®
2.1.7   Ning®
2.1.8   Photobucket®
2.1.9   Pinterest®
2.1.10   Reddit®
2.1.11   Second Life®
2.1.12   Tumblr®
2.1.13   Twitter®
2.1.14   Wikipedia®
2.1.15   WordPress®
2.1.16   YouTube®

Chapter 3 – Social Media Marketing

3.1   Social Media and Influence
3.1.1   Social media marketing defined
3.1.2   The role of social influence
3.1.3   Types of influencers
3.1.4   Social influence and Web 2.0
3.2   Social Media and the Marketing Funnel
3.2.1  What is a marketing funnel?
3.2.2   The awareness stage
3.2.3   The consideration stage
3.2.4   The preference stage
3.2.5   The Action stage
3.2.6   The loyalty stage
3.3   Marketing 2.0

Chapter 4 – Launching a Social Media Campaign

4.1   Setting Your Campaign Goals
4.2   Targeting Your Social Audience
4.2.1   Establishing your target audience
4.2.2   Understanding online activities
4.2.3   Targeting social media platforms
4.2.4   Analyzing competitor efforts
4.3   Publishing Your Content
4.3.1   Categories of social media content
4.3.2   Creating valuable content
4.3.3   Distributing your content
4.4   Promoting Your Brand
4.4.1   Blogger outreach
4.4.2   User-generated content
4.4.3   Social applications
4.5   Socializing Your Website
4.5.1   Linking your website with social media
4.5.2   Integrating social media elements into your website
4.6   Measuring the Success of Your Campaign


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Joanna Wasson
Posted 2 months ago
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Andrea Nitzan
Posted 5 years ago
Interesting content

Well written and thorough

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