Behavioral Finance (5 hrs)

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Course Description

Behavioral Finance Video Course

Behavioral finance has shown that all people, even financial experts, are prone to making irrational and suboptimal financial decisions. This course is a discussion of how people have wants that extend far beyond traditional finances’ assumption of wanting the highest return at the lowest risk. We are not perfectly rational economic robots; we are easily driven by many wants and emotions while working with limited time, knowledge, and energy.

This course explores many of the thinking errors and biases exhibited by all people, even the experts. You’ll be able to identify the nonfinancial wants that drive the financial decisions of your clients. We’ll then identify ways to improve financial decision-making in the contexts of personal financial planning and business financial management.

You’ll learn from an author that teaches these concepts to MBA students at a university as well as to business advisors and staff. He is a CPA that’s been a CFO of multiple companies. Rob also has a master’s degree in personal financial planning and a graduate certificate in financial therapy. He served as program manager for a group of investment advisors.

This course will lead you from foundational finance concepts to practical applications in both personal finance and business finance.

Course information

Price: $49

Course No. S006
Format: Online video with final exam
Instructional Delivery Method: QAS Self-Study
Prerequisites: None
Advance Preparation: None
Level: Overview
CPE Credit: 5 hrs.
Field of Study: Finance: Technical
Course expiration:  You have one year from date of purchase to complete the course.
Course Review/Revision Date: April 2024


After completing this course, participants should be able to:

  • Recognize common behavioral finance biases and heuristics
  • Identify ways to reduce thinking errors caused by biases and heuristics
  • Recall differences between traditional finance and behavioral finance
  • Identify negative financial impacts of finance biases and heuristics

Behavioral Finance Table of Contents

Sec 1 Introduction

Sec 2 The Emergence of Behavioral Finance
Some Basics on Traditional Economics
The Emergence of Behavioral Finance

Sec 3 How We Think
How We Think
Prospect Theory

Sec 4 Biases and Heuristics
What are Biases and Heuristics?
Confirmation Bias, Hindsight Bias, and Sunk Costs
Self-Attribution and Excessive Optimism
The Endowment Effect, Omission Bias, and Status Quo Bias
Familiarity Bias and In-Group Bias
Mental Accounting
Anchoring and Adjustment
Disposition Effect
Emotions, Mood, and Affect
Market Observations and Anomalies

Sec 5 Some Applications
Personal Financial Decisions: Investor Wants
Personal Financial Decisions: Behavioral Life-Cycle Planning
Personal Financial Decisions: Correcting Errors
Business Financial Decisions: Overview
Business Financial Decisions: Planning and Projects
Retirement Planning and Savings

Sec 6 Key Takeaways

Ratings and Reviews

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2 Ratings
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Anthony Smith
Posted 2 years ago
Outstanding course

Lenders should make this a prerequisite to lending to startups.

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Barry Sims
Posted 2 years ago
Excellent Course for Financial Advisors and Accountants

The course describes the perceptual errors that investors and business managers make. I knew some of these concepts from previous courses and use them to advise clients more often than I would like. However, knowing them adds considerable value to my services.

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