Techniques of Financial Analysis, Modeling, and Forecasting

This comprehensive course gives you every sales and financial forecasting formula and modeling technique you need to analyze your operation both as a whole and by segment. You’ll be provided with proven techniques that help you identify and fix problem areas, analysis techniques that help you evaluate proposals for profit potential, proven methods that improve the accuracy of your short- and long-term forecasting, analysis tools that help you better manage working capital, cash, and accounts receivable, plus much more. You also receive dozens of worked-out models and modeling techniques that simplify your most difficult business decisions, and are easy to adapt to any computer spreadsheet program. This course supplies company accountants, treasurers, CFOs with all the forecasting techniques needed to financially analyze a business as a whole or a segment. Includes analysis techniques, methods for improving forecasting accuracy, analysis tools for managing capital, and more.

Course No. 7013
Format: Online pdf (324 pages).
Prerequisites: None
Advance Preparation:  None
Level: Intermediate
CPE Credit: 13 hrs.
Field of Study: Finance: Technical
Course expiration:  You have one year from date of purchase to complete the course.
Course Revision Date: January 2023

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