This course enables participants to discuss and handle business and personal tax essentials. The course examines and explains the practical aspects of individual & corporate planning, bridging the gap between theory and application. Significant new developments are summarized with emphasis on tax savings ideas. This course examines and explains the practical aspects of using a closely held corporation to maximize after-tax return on business operations. Recent developments giving corporations a competitive edge over other entities are explored and detailed. Practitioners are alerted to often missed fringe benefits, retirement planning opportunities, corporate business deductions, income splitting possibilities and little known estate planning techniques.
Price: $178
Format: Online pdf (791 pages). Printed book available.
Instructional Delivery Method: QAS Self-Study
Prerequisites: General understanding of federal income taxation
Advance Preparation:None
Level: Overview
CPE Credit: 35.5 Hrs.
Field of Study: Taxes
Course expiration: You have one year from date of purchase to complete the course.
Course Revision Date: April 2022