This course provides an overview of the accounting requirements with respect to accounting changes and error corrections and the reporting implications within an entity’s financial statements. The scope of accounting changes includes a discussion of changes in accounting principles, changes in accounting estimates, as well as changes of a reporting entity. The course also provides an overview of the accounting requirements of correcting errors in previously issued financial statements as well as restatement considerations. A majority of the information included within this course is sourced from the requirements found within FASB ASC Topic No 250, Accounting Changes and Error Corrections.
Course No. CAM003
Format: Online pdf (35 pages). Printed book available.
Instructional Delivery Method: QAS Self-Study
Prerequisites: None
Advance Preparation: None
Level: Overview
CPE Credit: 2 hrs.
Field of Study: Accounting
Course Author: Kelen F. Camehl, CPA, MBA
Course expiration: You have one year from date of purchase to complete the course.
Course Revision Date: April 2024